Poster Session 1
LINK TO ZOOM MEETING: Will Follow soon.
14:10 – 14:15 | Introduction by the session hosts |
14:15 – 14:18 | New field wind manipulation methodology reveals adaptive responses of steppe plants to increased and reduced wind speed Shudong Zhang @ Systems Ecology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Wind strongly impacts plant growth, leaf traits and stem mechanical properties. However, whether there are common whole-plant wind responses among different plant species is still unclear. We tested this null hypothesis by exposing four eudicot steppe species to different wind treatments in a field experiment through a novel methodology using wind-funneling baffles. This baffle-system showed potential for use in future field wind velocity enhancement. Further experiments are needed to reveal how negative and positive effects play out on whole-plant performance in response to different wind regimes, which is important as ongoing global climatic changes involve big changes in wind regimes. |
14:19 – 14:22 | Indirect and additive effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on pollination and raspberry yield under different fertilizer Ke Chen @ Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University Insect pollinators and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can provide vital ecosystem services, but it remains unknown whether their effects interact and how their effects are influenced by fertilizer. To test this, we conducted a pot-field experiment on raspberry, with two levels of pollination (open vs closed) and two levels of AMF (with vs without AMF), receiving four levels of fertilizer. We found insect pollination and fertilizer interactively affected fruit set, fruit number and total yield (by 55%), while AMF inoculation mainly increased these parameters independently. Our results indicate that AMF inoculation and insect pollination can be integrating agricultural management practices. |
14:23 – 14:26 | Steering Organic Farming Transition Lilia Serrano Grijalva @ Netherlands Institute of Ecology A key challenge for sustainable intensification of agriculture is to produce increasing amounts of food with less negative environmental impacts. The main goal of SOFT (Steering Organic Farming Transition) is to understand the role of soil biodiversity and networks for a sustainable farming, and the potential use of soil inoculation for soil regeneration. For this, I will use a chronosequence of farmers’ fields throughout The Netherlands that have been converted from conventional to organic farming. Taken together, SOFT will contribute to establish management practices that may help accelerate the transition from conventional farming to a more organic type of farming. |
14:27 – 14:30 | Species interactions under climate change in mixed stands of Scots pine and pedunculate oak Meike Bouwman @ Forest Ecology and Forest Management, Wageningen University Mixed-species forests have become widely studied because of their potential to mitigate risks associated with climate change. We examined species interactions in mixtures of Scots pine and pedunculate oak under climate change in the Netherlands. The mixture of Scots pine and oak showed clear but limited overyielding, which was mainly attributed to oak. This was maintained under the most extreme climate scenario. However, Scots pine competitiveness was increased under climate change on resource-limited soils. Our results suggest that projected changes in climate will influence species interactions and result in increased Scots pine productivity, notably on poor sandy soils. |
14:31 – 14:34 | Strip intercropping of maize, wheat, pea and faba bean in the Netherlands Zishen Wang @ Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University Intercropping is a potential pathway for ecological intensification of high input agriculture. There is, however, a shortage of knowledge about which species combinations and which management for intercropping could be advantageous under western European climate conditions. We therefore conducted a 2-year field experiment in the Netherlands to explore the yield advantages of maize, wheat, pea and faba bean when grown as strip intercrops with conventional management and fertilizer input tailored to species strips. Relative yield total (RYT) of relay strip intercrops with maize was well above one, while RYT of simultaneous intercrops without maize was lower than one. Maize and faba bean dominated in mixtures, with their relative yields exceeding the relative density, while pea had relative yields lower than the relative density. Wheat was overyielding when combined with maize but underyielding when combined with faba bean. The results suggest an important role for complementarity for light capture when crops are managed with sufficient nutrients and water. Under such conditions, intercrops with legumes did not perform better than intercrops without legumes. Faba bean manifested itself as a competitive species that dominated companion species with the same growing period. |
14:35 – 14:38 | Teak genetic diversity in Ghana shows a narrow base for further breeding James Nana Ofori @ Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University I evaluated genetic diversity of teak provenances at a newly established provenance trial with 52 provenances collected from Africa, South America and Asia in Tain II Forest Reserve, Ghana. Provenance collection was established to widen the genetic basis for Teak establishment in West Africa. Results of the study revealed that, although acquired from various countries and continents, most of the Teak provenance in the trial belong in only two distinct groups that are closely related. Implication of this finding is that a wider range of provenances for breeding are needed from the original Teak distribution areas, especially from Southern India. |
14:40 – 15:00 | Breakout rooms Q&A session with individual poster pitchers (one breakout room for each poster pitcher) |
15:00 | Back to plenary conference room for short joint coffee / tea break |